1:1 Youth Mentoring

Individualised sessions with your young person providing targeted strategies for their wellbeing needs.

What is youth mentoring?

Youth mentoring is a special way for parents and carers to support their young person’s mental, emotional and physical health in an effective and nurturing way. 

It involves one-one curated sessions with a mentor and your teen in a safe space. Families and your mentor work together to discuss aims of the sessions and the focus is on providing tools and strategies to improve mental wellness and resilience. 

Each session is:

  • Designed to cultivate calm and self-regulated young people

  • Pressure free, fun and engaging

  • At a pace that is right for you and your young person

  • Highly practical and provides skills that can be used in the real world

  • Offering holistic tools, like breathwork training, meditation recordings, gentle movement (by a 200hr yoga teacher), positive psychology, gratitude practices, cognitive behaviour techniques, building awareness of thoughts and behaviours. 

Youth who are mentored come away with:

Youth mentoring participant, Billy, enjoying a recorded guided meditation and body scan to increase overall wellbeing and his academic success in Math

  • Improved ability to self regulate their emotions 

  • A sense of calm and relaxation

  • A way to relax their body and mind when stressed or overwhelmed

  • Improved sleep and strategies to fall asleep more peacefully

  • Greater awareness of themselves, their thoughts and patterns

  • Improved ability to conduct friendships and manage conflict

  • Strategies for focus and concentration and achievement in school

  • Physical and movement strategies to positively affect the mind and mood

  • And so much more…

Youth mentoring is different from counselling or therapy, as your mentor acts as a ‘wise and knowledgeable friend’ that young people can confidentially bounce ideas off, seek advice from, talk openly about issues with someone who understands youth culture and get immediate tools and strategies to increase mental health outcomes. It works well in conjunction with other therapies or as a stand alone.

Who is youth mentoring for?

Young people between the age of 12-20 who are seeking tools and strategies to manage emotions, calm themselves and be the best version of themselves they can be.

Participants are open to experiencing tools offered by yoga, meditation and psychology that benefit them specifically. In most cases, the young person is seeking a confidential mentor to talk to, who is not connected with their parents or school environment and can therefore be objective and unbiased. Parents also need to be open to the tools offered and can have full confidence and trust that their mentor is working in the best interest of the young person and the family to achieve positive outcomes.  

Many of the participants have lived-experience with one or more of the following: anxiety, depression, mental health worries, stress, school pressures, perfectionism, people pleasing behaviours, poor boundary setting, friendships issues, academic concerns, exam stress, generalised worry, trauma or abuse. 

The service is provided by a qualified secondary school teacher with 15 years experience and significant knowledge and training in mandatory reporting, ensuring your young person is kept safe at all times.

Youth Participant Testimonial

Potential benefits for parents, carers and families

  • Create a calm and relaxed home environment

  • Improved ability for your young person to manage their mood and self-regulate

  • Improved behaviour and academic success at school

  • Helps the family with conflict management strategies

  • See a happier and calmer teen in your home

  • Improved relationships with friends, family and siblings

  • Minimal time commitment required from parents and carers

  • An objective and unbiased mentor for your child to open up to

  • Mentoring by a skilled and qualified facilitator

  • Tools provided to your teen will benefit them ongoing for the rest of their lives

  • Affordable way for the family to provide a safe space for their young person

  • The mentor comes to your home or can be provided via Zoom

Youth mentoring is facilitated by a fully qualified Secondary School teacher with mandatory reporting, mental health first aid and 15 years of training and experience in the wellbeing space. It is a no pressure, safe and fully supported service.