We Are Worthy Staff PD and Wellbeing

Are you a teacher or Principal looking to embed wellbeing practices in your secondary school? Let us teach you the skills and secrets to deliver mindfulness, health and wellbeing practices in your classroom.

About the PD

Professional Development designed to assist secondary schools meet the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0)- Wellbeing goals and comply with the new psychological health regulations for Victorian employers.

Over your choice of 1, 2 or 3 (60min) face-to-face sessions teachers will receive quality PD, run by an experienced Secondary teacher and yoga instructor covering the following topics:

  • Research and evidence behind teaching mindfulness, breathing and movement in your classroom

  • Practical skills and strategies for engaging teens in mindfulness, breathing and movement

  • How teachers can develop a personal wellbeing practice using holistic tools

  • How we can all be wellbeing role models for our students

  • How to transform your classroom culture through simple, yet effective wellbeing tools that all teachers can use

The sessions are:

  • Fully inclusive of all materials and take away tools

  • Suitable for staff groups of 10-100 staff (given the right setting)- Best with groups of 20-30

  • Delivered at your school, during a convenient time for your staff and can be split between multiple sessions

Staff Wellbeing Worskhops

Fully customisable to meet your staff wellbeing goals, this on-off (60-75min) workshop includes:

  • Gentle movement (suitable for all people and abilities)

  • Activity and discussion component (related to session aims)

  • Guided meditation

  • Take home worksheet and digital resources for staff to use throughout the year.

All We Are Worthy Staff Sessions

  • Are linked to the FISO standards and AITSL standards
  • Are evidence-based incorporating mindfulness practises, as well as gentle movement (suitable for all fitness levels and abilities)
  • Incorporate fun and practical activities within the session, engaging teachers specifically
  • Have a wellbeing focus that provides take-home tools for participants to use in their daily lives
  • Are inclusive and welcoming of diverse participants needs
  • Include all materials
  • Are fully customisable to suit your school or setting, participants needs and desired outcomes
  • Come to your school or setting for your convenience
  • Have a short survey/assessment component to track the benefits of the program for your participants
  • Are run by a qualified, VIT registered teacher with 200hrs Yoga Alliance training 
  • Are Covid safe and use your own yoga mats (if preferred)

Information for all Sessions

  • Sessions are tailored to suit your school or settings time requirements with around 1hour per session needed and two (minimum) recommended
  • Include all materials, including a take-home sheet for teachers (also available digitally), with a toolbox of wellness practices to support participants after the sessions
  • Require a quiet and uninterrupted room to set up

All We Are Worthy Staff Offerings are linked to FISO and Professional Standrads

Testimonials- Port Melbourne Secondary College Staff Workshop Participant

“Thank you for reminding me that I have to find something for me and put it before work”